peasprout spouts

sharing is caring. food is love.

Friday, April 18

it's cold again. 40's. it was 80's on Wednesday. what's going on here? we're not supposed to be having reruns of February. that's not how it works around here. at least that's what i was assuming.

it's not Boston in the fall...but Cape Cod will be VERY fun for Easter. I'll get to see the ocean. the Atlantic is not as cool as the Pacific, but hey, i'll take what i can get right now. Everything looks promising. PERK: sunrise service on the beach! Easter egg hunt for grown-ups! or almost grown-up, i don't think i qualify as an official grown-up yet.

Nerdy activities are already decreasing, i went for a swim. The shower: EXCELLENT. the only downside is that it's not a private affair, unless the timing is right. but spacious is nice. you could do tai-chi in the shower. technically. might be time to experiment w/ the range of soaps, shampoos, and lotions. pantene: s'alright. doesn't have "fun" scent, but that's just an aside.

new favorite professor: Dr. Frank. b/c he loves to eat. and we're all going to feast. and b/c SF is his favorite place to eat in the US. and outside of the US: HongKong. and b/c if he wasn't a doctor, he'd be a chef. b/c he agrees that food is love, more or less. i just gotta make sure that he likes avocadoes.


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