peasprout spouts

sharing is caring. food is love.

Friday, October 3

free food this week:

Pizza: white cheese, sundried tomato, tomato and basil and garlic, cheese and broccoli, cheese and mushroom. not bad.

good food this week:

falafel sandwich at Sahara Grill.
falafel recipe by Moosewood.
Pita bread recipe by Moosewood.
pepper and onion stirfry inspired by Moosewood.
a dan taat from St. Honore's. the GOOD flaky crust.

boring foord this week:
leftover dahl. good, but no longer exciting after the bajillionth eating. very handy to pack for lunch though.

a weird pudding pie. pudding: high pass. crust: low pass.

anticipated: a chocolate cake at Ruby Tuesdays. we are NOT passing up dessert next time.


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