peasprout spouts

sharing is caring. food is love.

Saturday, September 11

Food for the Day...

French Toast with French Bread.

so, i'm holed up in my house studying for a test on Monday. and i'm poking around trying to figure out some lunch. and i recall this recipe that used french bread for french toast. it works out well. the cinnamon is a lovely touch. but it's the crust, i think. it's a much better crust. Of course you can't pick that really DENSE dinner roll stuff, but French bread really has much better "innards" than white bread. I think I've sworn off white sandwich bread. It's just too weak.

and yesterday, i had curry mashed potatoes. did i fail to mention that? it's very good w/ that extra kick.

AND can i point out this FABULOUS new site ?!
i've been annotating my recipes like this for a while...and now i'm being edumacated that it's really an engineering module?!


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