peasprout spouts

sharing is caring. food is love.

Monday, March 3

the weather topic is only gettin better and better...

today, i open my eyes and see da sun. what a beautiful thing.
then i turn on the radio and hear: 17 degrees. that's coooold.
i get in the shower...the radio delivers again: 16 degrees.
what?! how come it went DOWN?! that's not fair. c'mon, God.
i put on three layers, the long johns, the tights, the knee-high wool socks.
i find another t-shirt, i forgot about...i put that on, too.
the radio gets extensive: wind chill: makes it into the single digits.
i put on another sweater underneath.

i get outside...mother of i HAVE to go to school??

yes. yes. i do. at least there's free lunch. this week's topic is obesity. i don't think i'm ever going to purchase a tv.

last week before spring break.


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