peasprout spouts

sharing is caring. food is love.

Monday, March 24

a rocky start to the morning:

note to self: know PIN for ATM card if you're going to carry it around.

but...promising midday perks:

1. free pizza for lunch! (and enough left over for future feedings)
2. an excellent, excellent chocolate chocolate chip from Willis

I literally have a new toy. Learning issue for this week: toy safety. Our speaker brings in buttloads of toys, hats, and candy. And then gives away toys for prizes. Today, even being in preschool is not a better time to be in school. I am now the proud owner of a little girl backpack. I am oh-so-cool. Sometimes I can be thankful to be called "christina small" or "the small peanut." (I am only considered small on the East Coast.) I can actually wear this bag, however, it does detract from my grown-up aspirations. who cares about those, anyways. *throwing grown-up aspirations out the window* no one needs grown-up aspirations when you win cool prizes like little girl backpacks.


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